ECORD and Japan have developed a new program to facilitate post-2024 Scientific Ocean Drilling using Mission Specific Platforms.
The aim of this workshop is to encourage new scientific collaborations among the scientific communities of ECORD and Japan, together with international partners, in an online-only scientific workshop.
This workshop, which will take place over three days, will serve to review the status of planning of post-2024 Scientific Ocean Drilling, communicate the intention of the new ECORD-Japan program and collect new ideas for the development of new MSP and Chikyu drilling proposals based on identified knowledge gaps and novel scientific questions to be addressed in the next 5-10 years.
Below is the information on how to access the Workshop: Times (same for each day):08:30 – 11:30 GMT09:30 – 12:30 CET17:30 – 20:30 JST Zoom links to the Plenary Sessions (from where, at the approbate time on Days 2 and 3 you will be able to join breakout sessions): |
Download the Abstracts here

The colored dots indicate the Outbreak sessions

Day-1. 2023/1/17 |
09:30-09:40 | Welcome and Scope of the Workshop |
Masa Kinoshita, Vice-chair JDESC IODP Section, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, Japan Angelo Camerlenghi, ESSAC Chair, OGS Italy |
09:40–10:00 | Current status and future perspectives of SOD, new MSP concepts |
Gilbert Camoin, EMA Director, CEREGE-CNRS, France Nobu Eguchi, Director, Science Services Department Institute (MarE3), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan |
10:00–10:15 |
Summary of 2050 Science Framework |
Roz Coggon, University of Southampton |
10:15–10:30 | Questions and Answers (moderated by the Co-Chairs) | |
10:30–12:00 |
Keynote presentations Moderator: Sanny Saito J-DESC Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) |
Keynote 1 – Climate Change and Ocean Health |
Matt O’Regan, Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University | |
Keynote 2 – Deep Earth |
Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University | |
Keynote 3 – Geohazards |
Morelia Urlaub, Geomar, Kiel | |
Keynote 4 – Deep Life |
Yuki Morono, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) | |
12:00–12:20 |
Overview of existing drilling proposals |
Tim Reston, Co-chair of the IODP Science Evaluation Panel, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham |
12:20-12:30 | Summary and conclusions | Co-Chairs |
Day-2. 2023/1/19 | ||
09:30 – 09:35 | Plenary: Introduction | Co-chairs |
09:35–10:00 |
Plenary: Operational options for offshore drilling |
Dave McInroy, ESO Science Manager, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh Nobu Eguchi, Director, Science Services Department Institute (MarE3), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan |
10:00–11:30 | BREAK OUT SESSIONS | |
Climate Change and Ocean Health |
Co-Coveners Helen Coxall, Stockholm University Junichiro Kuroda, The University of Tokyo |
Deep Earth |
Co-Coveners Esther Schwarzenbach, University of Fribourg Tomo Morishita, Kanazawa University |
Geohazards |
Co-Coveners Becky Bell, Imperial College London Kohtaro Ujiie, University of Tsukuba |
Deep Life |
Co-Coveners Vanni Aloisi, Institut du Physique du Globe de Paris IPGP Yuki Morono, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) |
11:30–12:00 | Plenary: Outcome from each Thematic Group |
Co-conveners of each break out session
12:00-12:30 | Plenary session: Synergy for the successful proposals/program | Co-chairs |
Day-3. 2023/1/26 | ||
09:30-10:00 | Plenary: Introduction and practical goals | Co-chairs |
10:00–11:30 | BREAK OUT SESSIONS | |
Climate Change and Ocean Health |
Co-Coveners Helen Coxall, Stockholm University Junichiro Kuroda, The University of Tokyo |
Deep Earth |
Co-Coveners Esther Schwarzenbach, University of Fribourg Tomo Morishita, Kanazawa University |
Geohazards |
Co-Coveners Becky Bell, Imperial College London Kohtaro Ujiie, University of Tsukuba |
Deep Life |
Co-Coveners Vanni Aloisi, Institut du Physique du Globe de Paris IPGP Yuki Morono, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) |
11:30–12:00 | Plenary: Outcome from each Thematic Group |
Co-conveners of each break out session
12:00-12:30 | Plenary: Summary and direction for Phase-2 WS | Co-Chairs |
The workshop will be structured following the Strategic Objectives of the 2050 Science Framework and will be open to participation of scientists from the whole international geoscience community. Participation from people with no prior involvement in scientific drilling is welcome.
The second phase of the workshop will be an in-person meeting in Fall 2023 with the purpose of developing the most promising ideas generated from the phase 1 workshop into drilling proposals.
- Download the flyer
- Download the programm
- Download the final report here
- Code of Conduct
Watch DAY 1 HERE
Watch Day 2 HERE
The Steering Committee is composed of several scientist from ECORD member countries and Japan. Members nominated jointly by ESSAC and J-DESC have accepted to serve on this committee. The Steering Committee will define the final format of the workshop and will also consider propositions submitted by the international Scientific Ocean Drilling community.
Steering Committee
Angelo Cammerlenghi (Co- Chair) |
OGS, Italy |
Masa Kinoshita (Co-Chair) | University of Tokyo, Japan |
Giovanni Aloisi | IPGP, France |
Thorsten Bauersachs | Kiel University, Germany |
Rebecca Bell | Imperial College London, UK |
Helen Coxall | Stockholm University, Sweden |
Junichiro Kuroda |
University of Tokyo, Japan
Azumi Kuroyanagi | Tohoku University, Japan |
Tomo Morishita | Kanazawa University, Japan |
Yuki Morono | JAMSTEC, Japan |
Antony Morris | University of Plymouth, UK |
Oliver Plümper | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Esther Schwarzenbach | University of Fribourg, Switzerland |
Kohtaro Ujiie | Tsukuba University, Japan |
Sanny Saito | J-DESC, Japan (PMO representative) |
Hanno Kinkel | ESSAC, Italy (PMO representative) |
Contact us:
ECORD Science Support & Advisory Committee
Angelo Camerlenghi (ESSAC Chair)
Hanno Kinkel (ESSAC Science Coordinator)
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS
via Beirut n. 2
34151 Trieste – Italia
e-mail: essac@ogs.it