IODP science is motivated by community input in the form of unsolicited proposals that are nurtured and prioritized by the IODP Science Advisory Panels – Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) and Environmental Protection and Safety Panel (EPSP) – and the IODP Facility Boards.
IODP science planning is supported by the expert panels, which involve scientists and engineers advising on scientific and technical issues and giving recommendations and guidelines necessary to meet the scientific objectives of active IODP proposals and the new IODP Science Plan (ISP).

SEP representatives during the June 2016 meeting at MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany (photo Volker Diekamp, MARUM).
Tasks of Advisory Panel Members
Panel members should attend all meetings of the specific panels, normally held once or twice a year and should represent the interests of the 15 countries of the ECORD consortium (Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom).
The duration of the appointment is normally for three years (six meetings).
Further information about the Science Advisory Structure in IODP: Science Evaluation Panel and Environmental Protection and Safety Panel