Submit a drilling proposal
Drilling proposals arising from the science community follow the themes developed in the IODP Science Plan 2013-2023.
Apply to sail
ECORD offers a unique opportunity for ECORD scientists to participate in IODP all expeditions.
Host/be a Distinguished Lecturer
Since 2007 ECORD sponsors a Distinguished Lecturer Programme to bring IODP discoveries to the geoscience community.
Host a MagellanPlus Workshop
The MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme is co-funded by ECORD and ICDP to develop new and innovative science proposals.
Become a panel member
ECORD scientists can take part in the decision making of the science-planning process in IODP by sitting in IODP panels and committees.
Get data and samples
Ocean drilling (DSDP, ODP and IODP) samples are public and can be requested for scientific research.