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Expedition 386 Japan Trench Paleoseismology
Offshore Operations: 13 April 2021 – 1 June 2021, Drillship: R/V Kaimei
Onshore Science Party (OSP): 14 February – 15 March 2022, D/V Chikyu
Personal Sampling Party (PSP): 15 – 30 November 2022, D/V Chikyu
Photo credits: author name@ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC
Farewell to R/V Kaimei at Yokosuka dock side (K. Takahashi, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Microbiology specialist Kana Jistuno taking sediment samples from Trigger core (photo by N. Okutsu, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
A deck crew hanging rope on the GPC weighthead using bamboo pole (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Recommencing GPC operations (photo by T. Yokoyama, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Co-chief Ken Ikehara taking urgent action for rapidly expanding core (photo by N. Okutsu, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Co-chief Ken Ikehara checking pressure release holes (photo by N. Okutsu, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
A deck crew member setting a barrel clamp for recovery of the GPC (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
GPC weighthead splashing seawater when recovered (photo by K. Ikehara, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
The Expedition 386 Offshore Team (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Completing visual core description of split cores onboard D/V Chikyu (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Examining smear slides for volcanic tephra shards (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
The Onshore Science Party team on the dockside in Shimizu Port (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Preparing split cores for sampling in the D/V Chikyu labs (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
The sampling lab on board the D/V Chikyu, in full operation during the OSP (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Taking a well-earned break from sampling to watch the sunrise on the helideck of the D/V Chikyu (photo by N. Okutsu, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Celebrating completion of all sampling at the Expedition 386 OSP (photo by N. Okutsu, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Video: A tour of the D/V Chikyu labs during the Expedition 386 OSP (source unknown)
Receiving instructions on sample handling in the D/V Chikyu lab at the start of the PSP (photo by E. Le Be, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Science Party members discussing findings of visual core description (photo by N. Okotsu, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
The D/V Chikyu alongside at Shimizu Port during the PSP (photo by J. Everest, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Careful core handling at all times in the D/V Chikyu labs (photo by J. Everest, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Taking physical properties measurements on split core surfaces (photo by J. Everest, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
The Expedition 386 Science Party, Marine Works Japan curators and MarE3 and ESO operator staff on the D/V Chikyu helideck (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Sampling from split cores at high resolution (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Everyone is busy all the time during PSP sampling (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)
Sampling from split cores at very high resolution (photo by L. Maeda, ECORD/IODP/JAMSTEC)