Drillship L/B Myrtle on site during Expedition 364 (photo D. Smith, ECORD/IODP)
A media conference was organised before the expedition starts on Wednesday 13 April 2016, at the Gran Museo del Mundo Maya, Mérida, Mexico. Speakers included Sean Gulick, one of the expedition Co-chief Scientists, and Claire Mellett, the Expedition Project Manager. The event was followed by a tour of the Chicxulub exhibition at the museum. A media release was issued on the same day.
A media day was organised during the Onshore Science Party on Tuesday 11 October 2016, in Bremen, Germany, when the cores collected in April and May offshore Mexico are opened and described by the scientific team of Expedition 364. A media release was issued on the same day.
Information about Expedition 364 is available on the expedition webpage and an expedition flyer can be downloaded here.
During the expedition, ship reports and the expedition blog describing the activities of the scientists, engineers and ship’s crew on-board the L/B Myrtle are posted on the expedition webpage. Progress during the expedition can also be followed on the ECORD Science Operator’s Facebook (ESO Outreach) and Twitter (@ESO_Outreach) pages.
To arrange interviews with the scientists participating in the expedition, please contact Carol Cotterill.