Drillship Greatship Manisha docked in Kiel before Expedition 347 set sail to the Baltic Sea (C. Slomp, ECORD/IODP).
The expedition was preceded by a media conference at the International Press Center in Copenhagen on Thursday 5 September. A media release was issued to coincide with the event. Background information about the expedition is available on the expedition webpage and pre-expedition flyer.
During the offshore phase of the expedition, which ended on 1 November 2013, daily/weekly ship reports and an informal expedition logbook describing the activities of the scientists, engineers and ship’s crew onboard the Greatship Manisha were posted online.
The Onshore Science Party (OSP) of the expedition was held at the Bremen Core Repository (BCR) from 22 January to 20 February 2014. A media day was held at the BCR on Thursday 13 February, at which the first results of the expedition were presented. A media release was issued shortly after the event. Participants had the opportunity to visit the labs where they were able to get first-hand impressions of ECORD/IODP’s cutting-edge science and have the opportunity to interview the scientists. HD video footage shot during the offshore phase on board the expedition vessel Greatship Manisha is available to the media.