ICDP-IODP Town Hall Meeting
on Scientific Drilling
Tuesday, 27 Apr
17:30–19:00 CEST
Marco Bohnhoff (ICDP)
Gilbert Camoin (IODP/ECORD)
Flavio Anselmetti (PI Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys DOVE)
Michi Strasser (Co-chief Scientist of IODP Exp 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology)
We are looking forward to welcome you to our Town Hall meeting
*Live video calls subject to change owing Internet connection availability at drilling sites

Photo credit: JAMSTEC
Live R/V Kaimei-to-shore video call
Co-chief Scientist Michi Strasser (forced to only remotely participate in the Exp. 386 from his home office) will briefly introduce the scientific objectives of IODP Expedition 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology and will connect to Co-chief Scientist Ken Ikehara during a live R/V Kaimei-to-shore video call to discuss the first coring results and sampling progress of the ongoing expedition.
More about the Exp. 386 currently at sea
On April 13th the offshore phase of IODP Expedition 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology started onboard R/V Kaimei with a Japanese science party to conduct first-ever giant piston coring within IODP. Collecting cores from ultra-deep water trench basins at more than 8000m water depth along the entire Japan Trench aims at unravelling the sedimentary archive of past giant earthquakes. Exp. 386 is being implemented jointly by ECORD and MarE3/JAMSTEC.
Informal GATHER Town meeting
After the Zoom meeting, we will move to the GATHER Town platform* where a more informal part of the meeting will take place. Gather offers a game-like experience, it is very intuitive and easy to use.
All you need to do is to click the link, choose an avatar and join us!
We will this year enjoy the virtual event and we hope to see you in a physical reality at EGU Town Hall meeting in 2022!