To date, ESO has completed nine scientific expeditions of mission-specific platforms (MSPs): five expeditions in the first phase of IODP (2003 to 2013) – Exp. 302: Arctic Coring (ACEX), Exp. 310: Tahiti Sea Level, Exp. 313: New Jersey Shallow Shelf, Exp. 325: Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes and Exp. 347: Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment, and four expeditions in the second phase of IODP (2014-2024) – Exp. 357: Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life, Exp. 364: Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater Expedition, Exp. 381: Corinth Active Rift Development , and Exp. 386: Japan Trench Paleoseismology.
Exp. 389 Hawaiian Drowned Reefs is currently at the end of the offshore phase (31 Aug – 31 Oct 2023)
ESO is preparing Expedition 406 New England Shelf Hydrogeology to start in summer 2024.
MSP Schedule
- Expedition 406 New England Shelf Hydrogeology – anticipated maximum 90 days within a window from beginning of June to end of August 2024
Co-chief Scientists: Brandon Dugan and Karen Johannesson - Expedition 389 Hawaiian Drowned Reefs – 31 August – 31 October 2023 (from/to Barbers Point Harbor, Hawaii)
Co-chief Scientists: Jody Webster and Christina Ravelo - Expedition 373 Antarctic Cenozoic Paleoclimate – postponed until further notice
Co-chief Scientists: Trevor Williams and Carlota Escutia - Expedition 377 Arctic Ocean Paleoceanography (ArcOP) – postponed until further notice
Co-chief Scientists: Rüdiger Stein and Kristen St. John - Expedition 386 Japan Trench Paleoseismology – 13 April-1 June 2021 (from/to Yokosuka, Japan)
Lead Proponent: Michael Strasser - Expedition 381 Corinth Active Rift Development – 22 October-18 December 2017 (from/to Corinth, Greece)
Co-chief Scientists: Lisa McNeill and Donna Shillington - Expedition 364 Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater – 5 April-31 May 2016 (from/to Progreso, Mexico)
Co-chief Scientists: Joanna Morgan and Sean Gulick - Expedition 357 Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life Expedition – 26 October-11 December 2015 (from/to Southampton, UK)
Co-chief Scientists: Gretchen Früh-Green and Beth Orcutt - Expedition 347 Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment – 12 September-1 November 2013 (from/to Kiel, Germany)
Co-chief Scientists: Thomas Andrén and Bo Barker Jörgensen - Expedition 325 Great Barrier Reef Environmental Changes – 11 February-6 April 2006 (from/to Townsville, Australia)
Co-chief Scientists: Jody Webster and Yusuke Yokoyama - Expedition 313 New Jersey Shallow Shelf – 30 April-17 July 2009 (from/to Atlantic City, NJ, USA)
Co-chief Scientists: Gregory Mountain and Jean-Noël Proust - Expedition 310 Tahiti Sea Level – 6 October-21 November 2005 (from/to Papeete, Tahiti, France)
Co-chief Scientists: Gilbert Camoin and Yasufumi Iryu - Expedition 302 Arctic Coring (ACEX) – 7 August-15 September 2004 (from/to Tromsö, Norway)
Co-chief Scientists: Jan Backman and Kate Moran