Rockers Helder Pereira and Jean-Luc Bérenguer during School of Rock 2009.
IODP Schools of Rock are educational workshops during which teachers become familiar with the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP), scientific drilling and earth science through interactions with IODP scientists and Education/Outreach Officers. To achieve that objective, the workhsop include science presentations and practical hands-on activities conducted by the participants. This initiative was created in 2005 by the IODP US Implementing Organization (IODP-USIO) as an expedition designed for earth and science teachers onboard the JOIDES Resolution during a transit of the drillship.
In 2014, ECORD Teachers who sailed onboard the JOIDES Resolution as Education/Outreach Officers take intiative to organise an educational workshop in their home country to share their at-sea experience and to teach their colleagues how to bring IODP science into the classroom. Since 2015, the workshop is named “ECORD School of Rock” as it drew its inspiration from the US School of Rock.
US School of Rock
School of Rock workshops are organised by the US Science Support Program (USSSP) and occur once a year, usually during a transit or tie-up period for the vessel JOIDES Resolution
Contact: Sharon Cooper: scooper@ldeo.columbia.edu
2018 School of Rock: Te Kura Kohatu, 5-13 July 2018, Auckand, New Zealand. The workshop focuses on Pacific Rim geology and the science research of the JOIDES Resolution and is jointly organised by the USSSP and ANZIC – more information about the programme and application.
ECORD School of Rock (ECORD SOR)
In April 2014, an ECORD/IODP workshop for teachers was held in France as a two- or three-day long workshop with lectures given by scientists and practical hands-on sessions developped and tested by scientists and educators who sailed on IODP drillships (JOIDES Resolution). ECORD recognised this pilot workshop as a major educational contribution to educational objectives of the programme and supported that it should be shared and developped accross all ECORD countries as the “ECORD School of Rock”.
The main part of the funding of every ECORD School of Rock is provided by the national educational organisation/ministry of the hosting country. Additional funding is provided by the national IODP office and support could be requested to ECORD.
2024 ECORD School of Rock: “Understand the Planet through ocean exploration” – 9-11 February 2024, Naples, Italy (Organisers: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Pavia and the Department of Earth, Environmental and Resources Sciences and from the Museum Center of Natural and Physical Sciences of the University of Naples Federico II). Read more »
2018 ECORD School of Rock: “Comprendere il Sistema Climatico attraverso i sedimenti marini profondi” – 24-27 July, Pavia, Italy (Organisers: Claudia Lupi, Angelo Camerlenghi and Alessia Cicconi).
The topic of the workshop is the study of Quaternary Climate Change through ocean sediments. About 20 teachers from all over Italy will participate in the ECORD School of Rock 2018, which consists of lectures and hands on activites and also include a discussion on how civil society can and must face the climate change.
More information on IODP-Italia and ECORD SOR 2018 websites
2017 ECORD School of Rock: “To explore, study and understand the planet Earth with IODP Expeditions 359, 360 and 362” – 29 November – 1 December 2017, Brussels (Organiser: Michelle Darrieu. Report
2015 ECORD School of Rock: “Investigar e estudar a Terra sob of fundo do mar” – 8-10 July 2015, Loulé, Portugal (Organiser: Helder Pereira). Report
2014 Teachers’ Workshop: “Understanding Earth with cores” – 9-11 April 2014, Valbonne, France (Organiser: Jean-Luc Bérenguer). Report

David Edwards examines a smear slide made from a sediment core (photo Emily Powell, IODP/USIO Ocean Leadership).
ECORD participants in the Schools of Rock onboard the JOIDES Resolution
2016 – Exploring Ocean Cores and Climate Connections: From Antarctica Across the Southern Ocean, 29 May – 6 June 2016, Cape Town (South Africa) – Elisabeth Prat (France) – more information
2013 – Exploring cores and geology of the Pacific NW of Victoria, BC, 1-9 April 2013 – Jane Londero and Sarah Thornton (Canada) – Report
2011 – A five-year review, 31 July – 5 August 2011 – Jean-Luc Bérenguer (France) – Report
2010 – Cascadia ACORK Observatory, 5-18 September 2010 – David Edwards (UK) and Jean-Noël Puig (France) – more information
2009 – Cores, CORKS and Crust on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, 23 June-5 July 2009 (Expedition 321T): Jean-Luc Bérenguer (France) and Helder Pereira (Portugal) – Report by H. Pereira and report published in the ECORD Newsletter