20 – 24 April 2020

at the MARUM – Cen­ter for Mar­ine En­vir­on­mental Sci­ences and the IODP Bre­men Core Re­pos­it­ory (BCR), Uni­versity of Bre­men, Ger­many.


The Train­ing Course

As host to one of only three IODP core re­pos­it­or­ies in the world – the only one in Europe – the MARUM in Bre­men is an im­port­ant hub for mar­ine geoscient­ists. Tak­ing ad­vant­age of this set­ting, the new ECORD Train­ing Course will provide a “Virtual Drillship Experience” for sci­ent­ists from aca­demia and in­dustry. This one-week course of­fers a ba­sic train­ing fo­cus­ing on the IODP core flow pro­ced­ures, pre­par­ing the par­ti­cipants for par­ti­cip­at­ing in an off­shore drill­ship ex­ped­i­tion, and in­stilling them with an ap­pre­ci­ation for high stand­ards in all kinds of cor­ing pro­jects. IODP-style lab ex­er­cises will form the found­a­tion of the ECORD Train­ing Course fol­low­ing the pat­tern of the unique “Vir­tual Ship” ap­proach de­veloped for the Bre­men ECORD Sum­mer Schools.

The train­ing course will fo­cus on:

  • Introduction to IODP and ECORD
  • Virtual shipboard work at BCR/MARUM:
    Physical properties – core logging, Sediment visual core description and smear slide analysis, high-resolution linescan imaging and color scanning, Biostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, and Geochemistry
  • Introductory seminars to general shipboard activities:
    Core splicing and time-series analysis, Downhole Logging Integration, Data Management.
  • Interactive session on defining drilling targets and strategies including drilling proposal writing.

The Par­ti­cipants

… will be early ca­reer and es­tab­lished sci­ent­ists from aca­demia and in­dustry from all over the world who have an in­terest in sci­entific drilling and de­vel­op­ment of pro­fesso­nial skills in core ana­lysis.

The Pro­gram

The Pro­gram for the up­com­ing Train­ing Course will fol­low soon.

Visit their website