ECORD Headlines #21
ECORD and Japan are preparing the next generation of Post-2024 Scientific Ocean Drilling Programme
Call for MagellanPlus workshop proposals
Deadline to apply: 15 May 2023
New logo of ECORD for the 20th Anniversary of ECORD in 2023
At the occasion of its 20th Anniversary,ECORD presents its refreshed logo which will be officially launchedon the Anniversary celebration day, 25 April 2023.
Apply to serve on the IODP Science Evaluation Panel (SEP)
Deadline to apply: 14 March 2023
IODP Call for Proposals Deadline: April 3, 2023
This notice describes proposals that will be accepted for the April 3, 2023, deadline:
10th ECORD Award: Ursula Röhl
16 November 2022: Ursula Röhl was awarded with the 10th ECORD Award on the occasion of the ECORD Council-ESSAC Meeting #11.
9th ECORD Award: Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben
16 November 2022: Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben was awarded with the 9th ECORD Award on the occasion of the ECORD Council-ESSAC Meeting #11.
Workshop on the future of Scientific Ocean Drilling
Call for MagellanPlus workshop proposals
Deadline to apply: 15 January 2023