ECORD Headline #17
ECORD gets engaged to extend the International Ocean Discovery Program through 2024
U.S. FY2024 has been considered as an ‘option’ year in Memoranda underlying the JOIDES Resolution Consortium to extend the current term (30 September 2023) of the International Ocean Discovery Program. In light of reduced operations and lost opportunities during the COVID-19 outbreak, NSF has decided that unspent funds in U.S. FY2020 and 2021 will be applied to U.S. FY2024 operations.
At its last meeting that was held in October 2021, the ECORD Council has decided to extend the 2019-2023 ECORD-NSF MoU through 2024, as such an option is clearly indicated in this agreement. The ECORD Council has approved EMA’s proposition to contribute to the JR Consortium in order to help NSF to consider additional expeditions in U.S. FY2024.
The ECORD Council also supported the extension of the 2019-2023 ECORD MoU through 2024, provided that the expected contributions from ECORD funding agencies are available for that year. In addition, the ECORD Council has decided to extend the terms of the ECORD Managing Agency (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS), the ECORD Science Operator (British Geological Survey – BGS in Edinburgh), the ECORD Science Support and Advisory Committee (National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics – OGS in Trieste) and the Bremen Core Repository (BCR) through 2024.
Over the last months, ECORD has been actively involved in the planning of post-2024 international scientific ocean drilling initiative(s) based on the 2050 Science Framework and in which ECORD intends to play a prominent role.
A new ECORD Headline will be posted early January 2022 to inform the international science community and ECORD’s partners about post-2024 plans for Scientific Ocean Drilling.
Gilbert CAMOIN
Director of the ECORD Managing Agency
Download ECORD Headline #17