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Call for Outreach Officers – IODP Expedition 405: JTRACK

Call for Outreach Officers
IODP Expedition 405: JTRACKTracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench
21 May 2024
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) & the Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering (MarE3)are preparing to implement International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 405: JTRACK – Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench, beginning on 6 September 2024.
Deadline: 15 June 2024

Expedition Scientific Objectives »Who Should Apply and what to prepare »Application Requirements and submission »Contact to ECORD PMO »Further information on IODP Expedition 405 JTRACK »

Expedition Scientific Objectives
The goal of IODP Expedition 405 is to establish the properties, processes, and conditions within subduction zones that promote large slip to the trench and lead to the generation of giant earthquakes and associated tsunamis. Therefore, Expedition 405 will follow a coordinated strategy of Logging While Drilling, coring, and borehole observatory installation to achieve the following objectives:

Determine the stress and strain conditions within and around the fault zone and their variation over space and time,
Constrain subsurface geology including the physical rock properties affecting fault slip behavior and strain localization, as well as the geologic record of past earthquakes and tsunami,
Understand the hydrogeology of the fault zone – including the hydrogeologic structure of faults, fractures, and permeable zones around the plate boundary and their influence on effective stress and earthquake mechanics and the variation of conditions over time.

Together, these objectives will allow a comprehensive description of the mechanical properties and conditions relevant to fault slip during giant earthquakes.
Secondary science objectives include carrying out other geological, geochemical, and microbiological observations to the greatest extent possible.
IODP Expedition 405 will visit two sites (see map) comprising a transect across the trench from undisturbed sedimentary rocks on the Pacific Plate (JTCT-02A) to a site within the overriding plate that will access the fault zone in the region of large, shallow slip during the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake (JTCT-01A). Site JTCT-01A is located ~6 km landward of the trench, in the frontal prism, and is co-located with IODP Expedition 343 Site C0019 (see map). Site JTCT-02A is located on the incoming plate, ~8 km seaward of the trench. Logging While Drilling and coring operations at this site will provide critical information on the physical, chemical, and mechanical properties of input materials to the subduction zone, as well as on the amounts of fluids entering the subduction zone. A detailed operation plan and schedule can be found below.
Please read the IODP Expedition 405 Prospectus for further details ( ).
Download PDF file of the call »

IODP Expedition 405 webpage:
IODP Expedition 405 Scientific Prospectus

Program Member Offices (PMO):
ECORD PMO:ECORD Science Support & Advisory Committee Camerlenghi (ESSAC Chair)Hanno Kinkel (ESSAC Science Coordinator)


Who Should Apply:
MarE3 is making an open call for Outreach Officers to take part in the expedition. We seek enthusiastic artists, videographers, teachers, media specialists, journalists, researchers, etc. with skills in storytelling, infographics, animation, photography, video production, podcasting, and other media. A background in Earth Science would be beneficial but is not required.
The successful applicants will have an interest in developing an outreach project about and aboard D/V Chikyu during the scientific ocean drilling expedition. They will work and learn alongside a team of international scientists and technicians aboard Chikyu for a period of 1–2 weeks during the expedition. Outreach Officers will need to be creative, flexible, friendly, and collaborative. The Outreach officers will operate under the Expedition Co-chief Scientists (CCs), Expedition Project Managers (EPMs), and MarE3.
Outreach Officers should create a plan(s) that will promote:

Scientific Ocean Drilling (SOD)
SOD data use (by researchers, students, and the interested public)
Understanding of the drivers and barriers to international cooperative research
DV Chikyu and other SOD platforms
Interest from the general public in natural hazard research
Earth Science & STEM learning
Fresh approaches to guiding, assisting and improving the engagement between scientists and a wide range of stakeholders

Application Requirements:

Letter of Recommendation
Contact information for Referees
One-page proposed outreach plan that aligns with at least 3 of the concepts listed under the plan, above. Include any requirement for funding from your PMO, or if you have outside funding support for your proposal.

Submitting Your Application:
Please check the IODP website ( for details regarding to which Program Member Office (PMO) you should submit your application. Once received, all applications will be evaluated and reviewed for creativity, interest, scope, and practicality. Successful applicants will be contacted by their relevant PMO.
Support levels for successful applicants will be determined by the relevant PMO, which may include travel to/from the vessel, HUET certification, post-expedition production and/or research costs, and other ancillary costs. The commitment levels expected of Outreach Officers is dependent on their proposed program, and the level of support from their respective PMO. Applicants may need to source any additional funding that their project requires. Helicopter travel to the ship and all onboard costs (meals, Personal Protective Equipment, etc.) will be provided by JAMSTEC/MarE3.
Applications should be submitted to your PMO by (15 June 2024). Successful applicants will be notified by (30 June 2024).
For further information, please contact the appropriate PMO (

Outreach Officer Routine:
The Outreach Officers will obey all rules and regulations and conduct aboard DV Chikyu. The Outreach Officers work closely with the expedition scientists, and report to the CCs and EPMs. Regular updates on project progress and milestones will be shared with them and with MarE3. All materials and outcomes will be held under the copyright of JAMSTEC/IODP, and will require a release from MarE3 before being made public.
Pre-expedition requirementsThe Science Party members and Outreach Officers will embark and disembark by helicopter, requiring OPITO-approved Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET) certification for all onboard personnel.

For further information or questions to ECORD PMO, please contact the ESSAC Office:
ECORD Science Support & Advisory CommitteeAngelo Camerlenghi​ (ESSAC Chair)Hanno Kinkel (ESSAC Science Coordinator)Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGSvia Beirut n. 234151 Trieste – Italia
e-mail: essac@ogs.itwebsite:

Further information on IODP Expedition 405 JTRACK Operational PlanThe operational sequence to be completed during IODP Expedition 405 consists of:

Drilling an 8-1/2-inch hole with logging while drilling (LWD)/measurement while drilling (MWD) to a planned total depth (TD) of 950 mbsf at Site JTCT-01A and 450 mbsf at Site JTCT-02A.
Coring a 10-5/8-inch hole with the Rotary Core Barrel (RCB) system to 950 mbsf at Site JTCT-01A and to 450 mbsf at Site JTCT-02A.
Jetting a 20-inch casing and wellhead, drilling 10-5/8-inch hole to 950 mbsf and installing 4-1/2-inch Tubing (TBG) with a multi-sensor temperature measurement string at Site JTCT-01A.

Expedition ScheduleCurrent plans have the expedition leaving the Port of Shimizu, Japan, on 6 September 2024, and upon finishing, returning to the same port on 20 December 2024. This schedule is subject to change. Updates and the latest information can be found on the MarE3 website:
The offshore operations are planned to total 106 days. While the Science Party will be divided into two teams of about 25 scientists each, and will be onboard around 8 weeks, the Outreach Officers will not be aboard the entire expedition, but instead during a series of shorter intervals (e.g. 1-2 weeks), to be determined.
Table 1. D/V Chikyu Schedule for FY24



Co-chief Scientists

JTRACK -Tracking Tsunamigenic Slip Across the Japan Trench
6 Sept 2024 – 20 Dec 2024
106 days

Shuichi Kodaira
Marianne Conin
Patrick Fulton
Jamie Kirkpatrick
Christine Regalla
Kohtaro Ujiie

Lena Maeda
Natsumi Okutsu
Nobu Eguchi
Sean Toczko

(1) All expedition schedules are subject to change based on operation requirements, site conditions and budgetary constraints.
Download PDF file of the call »

Call for applications ESSAC CHAIR

Call for applications
Deadline to apply: 1 September 2024
The European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) is currently a major contributor to the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP). As a platform operator, ECORD has developed a unique European-distributed research infrastructure that connects research facilities at multiple sites across Europe and Canada that are engaged in multidisciplinary aspects of subsurface scientific research and have a longstanding culture of cooperation in science, technology, and education.
The ECORD Science Support and Advisory Committee (ESSAC) is the IODP Program Member Office for ECORD and has a central role in coordinating and managing the participation of scientists from all ECORD members in all IODP expeditions.
The end of the current phase of IODP is now scheduled for 30 September 2024. After decades of unified international programmes, from DSDP to the current IODP, there will be major changes in the organization of international scientific ocean drilling activities. ECORD and Japan have agreed to build a joint scientific ocean drilling programme: The International Ocean Drilling Programme – IODP3 (IODP-cubed) by implementing jointly MSP (Mission Specific Platform) expeditions, inclusive of Chikyu, and further develop the MSP concept by diversifying drilling and coring technologies, as determined by scientific priorities, and operational efficiency (
IODP3 will begin immediately after the conclusion of the current IODP and will maintain the ESSAC Office as the ECORD Program Member Office.
ESSAC is now seeking applications from active senior scientists from ECORD member nations to act as ESSAC CHAIR for a three-year term from 1 January 2026 to 31 December 2028 and host the ESSAC Office in the same period. This is an exciting opportunity to take on a leading role within IODP, and to contribute to the successful continuation of scientific ocean drilling into its next major phase.
Role of the ESSAC Office and the ESSAC Chair within IODP3:
The mandate of the ESSAC Office is to manage and be responsible for the scientific planning and coordination of ECORD’s contribution to and participation in IODP3.
Specific tasks of the ESSAC Office are coordinate expedition and SPARC (Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling Archives) applications, nominating science party members, reviewing the quota of science party members with respect to national financial contributions, to advise ECORD member countries on IODP3 Issues, coordinate training and outreach programs, evaluating and nominating candidates to IODP3 entities such as Facility Boards, and the Science Evaluation Panel and other IODP3Advisory panels, initiating and monitoring workshops, providing stimulation and guidance for writing scientific drilling proposals, assisting and advising the ECORD Managing Agency  (EMA) and the ECORD Science Operator (ESO) on public outreach.
The ESSAC Chair reports directly to the ECORD Council and acts as a liaison to EMA, ESO and other IODP3 entities. The ESSAC Chair is responsible for running the ESSAC Office, coordinating nominations of ECORD members for IODP3 expeditions, SPARCS and advisory panels, and for organizing and leading biannual ESSAC meetings. The Chair represents ESSAC as a member of the MSP Facility Board, the IODP3 Outreach Task Force, the Vision Task Force, and the Scientific Drilling  Forum. The ESSAC Office coordinates the evaluation of applications and funding of ECORD Grants, ECORD Summer Schools, ECORD Scholarships and the Distinguished Lecturer Programme. The ESSAC Chair is also expected to propose and co-convene an IODP3/ICDP-related special session at the European Geosciences Union
(EGU) General Assembly each year.
(Detailed description of ESSACs role in ECORD and IODP3, can be found in the preliminary ECORD MoU download here)
Term, Conditions and Compensation:
The ESSAC Chair is appointed by the ECORD Council, based on nominations by ESSAC. The ESSAC Chair rotates every three years together with the location of the ESSAC Office.  In addition, the selected ESSAC Chair will serve as incoming Vice-Chair beginning on January 1st 2025  and outgoing Vice-Chair for 18 months after the end of the term.
The ESSAC Office is funded by ECORD with a budget that will be paid annually and administered by the host institution. The budget shall be sufficient to include: (i) the salary of a full-time Science Coordinator, to be selected and appointed by the Chair, who assists with day-to-day duties of the office; (ii) travel and subsistence costs to allow the Chair and Science Coordinator to attend essential ECORD and IODP3 business meetings; and (iii) funding for the various activities managed by the office (e.g ECORD Research Grants, Scholarships, Summer Schools, Distinguished Lecturer Program). The budget also provides an annual compensation for the time spent by the Chair on ESSAC business. The Chair is free to use this compensation for any purpose (subject to the regulations of the host institution). Previous uses have included the appointment of academic staff to cover most of the Chair’s teaching responsibilities or the hire of staff to maintain the Chair’s research activities during their term in office.
Please note that the ESSAC Chair also serves as an ESSAC delegate representing the ECORD member country. Therefore, candidates will need to demonstrate that they are endorsed by their respective national IODP3 offices when appropriate.
Application Process:
Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the current ESSAC Office ( or the ESSAC Chair (Angelo Camerlenghi, for advice and guidance prior to applying.
Interested scientists from ECORD member countries should email the following documents (as pdf files) to the ESSAC Office:
1) a letter of interest including scientific expertise and previous involvement in scientific ocean drilling.
2) a two-page summary CV including the most relevant recent publications.
3) a letter from the head of their institute/department confirming that the home institution agrees to host the ESSAC Office.
4) a short letter (or email) from their national office or research council representative indicating that they are aware of and approve the application.
Deadline to apply: 1 September 2024
Applications will be assessed by ESSAC, with a final nomination submitted to the ECORD Council for approval in October 2024.
For further information or questions, please contact the current ESSAC Office:
ECORD Science Support & Advisory Committee
Angelo Camerlenghi (ESSAC Chair)
Hanno Kinkel (ESSAC Science Coordinator)
Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale – OGS
via Beirut n. 2
34151 Trieste – Italia

ECORD at the EGU 2024 and ECORD-ICDP Townhall meeting 2024

ECORD and ICDP invites you to a joint booth at the EGU 2024,
and the ECORD-ICDP Townhall meeting

Teams of ECORD and ICDP will be awaiting visitors at our booth at the EGU 2024 meeting in the Entrance Hall where the ECORD Sphere will also be set up. We are looking forward to meet with representatives of JAMSTEC/MarE3 who, together with the ECORD team, will be promoting scientific ocean drilling and the new International Ocean Drilling Programme – IODP3.
A joint ECORD-ICDP Town Hall Meeting will take place on 16 April 2024 at the Natural History Museum Vienna, Austria, during the week of the EGU 2024 meeting. Download flyer »

More info:The joint IODP-ICDP Session “Achievements and perspectives in scientific ocean and continental drilling” (ITS5.2/SSP1.13): Tue, 16 Apr, 08:30–10:15, Room 2.24 (orals) and 10:45–12:30, Hall X3 (poster session)
The IODP-ICDP Town Hall Meeting: Tue, 16 Apr, in the Vienna Natural History Museum. Entrance: 18:00; Talks: 19:00-19:45; 
Our joint SCIENTIFIC DRILLING BOOTH #48/49 (in the Entrance Hall) is open Monday-Thursday 10:00-18:00 and Friday 10:00-13:00

ECORD Headlines #24

Download as pdf here
Principles of the International Ocean Drilling Programme – IODP³

The end of the International Ocean Discovery Program on 30 September 2024 will mark major changes in the organization of international activities related to scientific ocean drilling. After decades of unified international programmes, from DSDP to the current IODP, post-2024 scientific ocean drilling initiatives will see a transition from a single international programme operated by independent platform providers to independent ocean drilling programmes.
ECORD and Japan, who have advocated for the continuation of a single international programme, intend to continue providing scientific ocean drilling opportunities post-2024 to the international scientific community, based on their well-established infrastructures, competitiveness in the international research landscape and maximum scientific return from investment.
Through a two-year long process of exchange of views and ambitions, ECORD and Japan agreed to build a joint scientific ocean drilling programme: the International Ocean Drilling Programme – IODP³ (IODP-cubed).
IODP³ will consist of an international scientific collaboration addressing important questions in Earth, Ocean, Environmental and Life sciences described in the 2050 Science Framework, based on the study of rock and/or sediment cores, borehole imaging, in-situ observatory data, and related geophysical imaging obtained from the subseafloor.
IODP³ will adopt a transparent, open, flexible, and international modus operandi, programme-wide standard policies and guidelines, sustainable management, and publicly accessible knowledge-based resources. IODP³ will adopt the 2050 Science Framework Enduring Principles.
Objectives and organization of the International Ocean Drilling Programme – IODP³
IODP³ investigations will be based on research proposals that address the objectives of the 2050 Science Framework, or other outstanding new research ideas.
IODP³ will implement and fund:

Offshore expeditions following an expanded Mission Specific Platform (MSP) concept.
Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling ARChives (SPARCs) that are international and multidisciplinary projects that have objectives originating from or that are based on ocean drilling archives.

Drilling and SPARC proposals will be submitted with a bottom-up process to the IODP³ Science Office by teams of proponents belonging to the international research community.
The primary responsibility of the Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) is to evaluate all proposals submitted to IODP³ in a fair, open, and transparent manner, in terms of both scientific excellence and completeness and quality of the site characterization data packages. The SEP will be composed of top international experts selected through competitive calls.
The Safety and Environment Advisory (SEA) Group will be an advisory body to the MSP-FB, SEP and IODP³ Operators and will provide independent advice regarding potential safety and environmental issues associated with the general and specific geological settings of proposed IODP³ drill sites.
The SEP and the SEA Group will be logistically supported by the IODP³ Science Office and serve all the platforms employed by the programme. IODP3 drilling expeditions and SPARCs will be scheduled by the MSP Facility Board based on their scientific merit and operational constraints within the limits of the available resources.

The IODP³ Executive Board (ExB) will be the IODP³ entity responsible for assuring effective decision-making and overseeing the programme.
The Magellan3 Workshops will be designed to support scientists from IODP³ and ICDP members in developing new and innovative scientific drilling proposals that meet the ambitions of the 2050 Science Framework and/or the ICDP Science Plan 2020-2030 by funding or co-funding workshop proposals and travel grants.
IODP³ will include two task forces: the Vision Task Force will be in charge of developing a long-term scientific and funding strategy and the Communication Task Force will be in charge of programme-wide communication activities.
MSP expeditions – IODP³ drilling expeditions will be implemented by the MSP Operators, ESO and/or JAMSTEC-MarE3, following the MSP concept. This concept will be an expanded Mission Specific Platform (MSP) concept by diversifying drilling and coring technologies – riserless and riser drilling, giant piston coring – and applying them to all drilling environments, as determined by scientific priorities, operational efficiency, and better value for money. D/V Chikyu and R/V Kaimei are identified as MSP facilities that are crucial facilities for the successful implementation of the 2050 Science Framework.
Land-to-Sea Transects (L2S), requiring scientific drilling at both onshore and offshore sites or at shallow marine sites to be implemented jointly with the International Scientific Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) are one of prime objectives for IODP³.
The duration of IODP³ expeditions will be flexible and be determined by scientific requirements and available funds.
IODP³ drilling expeditions will be scheduled by the MSP Facility Board based on their scientific merit and operational constraints within the limits of the available resources.
IODP³ expeditions are intended to have no significant environmental impact, and they are carried out in conformance with the highest accepted levels of environmental sensitivity.
IODP³ expeditions will be undertaken by international teams of scientists – Science Party – selected by the MSP Operator(s) and Co-chief Scientists, based on recommendations made by Program Member Offices (PMOs). Staffing decisions will consider, as far as possible, the goal of achieving the maximum diversity of gender, career stage, nationality, disciplinary, cultural in science parties.
The size of expedition Science Parties will be flexible and be determined by scientific requirements.
IODP³ will include the services provided by the current IODP core repositories in Bremen (BCR) and Kochi (KCC).
IODP³ will provide open access to all expedition samples and data once the expedition Science Party members have had the opportunity to complete the initial studies within the established moratorium period, typically one year. After the expiration of the moratorium period, the programme will make samples, cores, and data available to any scientist, in accordance with the IODP³ Samples, Data and Obligations Policy following the FAIR data principles.
Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling ARChives (SPARCs)  – The IODP³ “Scientific Projects using Ocean Drilling Archives” (SPARCs) provide a mechanism for the international scientific ocean drilling community to propose new large-scale projects that may address any aspect of the ‘2050 Science Framework’ and involving interdisciplinary collaborations.
SPARCs will have objectives that maximise the return on the legacy assets (i.e. cores, samples, and data from current and past scientific ocean drilling programmes) without new drilling or other operations at sea.
 SPARCs will address globally significant processes/problems and use innovative, creative, and multidisciplinary approaches that could include, for example, the production of large new datasets from samples, integration of data across multiple expeditions and/or multiple boreholes, and/or the application of new methods or technologies (e.g., AI, “big data” approaches) that were not available when the legacy assets were collected. The scientific ambition of SPARC projects should far exceed that of standard requests for samples or data as they are intended to provide a new avenue to facilitate collaboration at scales larger than conventional single or multi-proponent sample requests. In parallel, standard requests for samples and data may be submitted at any time.
Each SPARC will have a funded duration of three years and will receive €300,000 for its implementation. SPARC proposals should have a maximum of five co-proponents. All co-proponents of a funded SPARC will automatically become Science Party members (with two selected as Co-Chief Scientists), but the remaining Science Party members will be selected following an open call for applications. The overall size of the final Science Party for a SPARC is flexible and can be adapted to project needs but will normally consist of a minimum of 15 scientists, with no fixed upper limit.
IODP³ Partnership
As Platform Providers, ECORD and Japan will be the IODP³ Core Members.
International governmental and non-governmental entities not regularly providing scientific ocean drilling platform(s) to IODP³ can become Associate Members by making annual cash contributions to IODP³ (on the order of 1 M€) or as Temporary Members by providing cash and/or project-based in-kind contributions (IKC) (with a minimum of 0.5 M€) to access IODP³ expedition(s). ANZIC and India already sent letters of interest to become IODP³ Associate Members.
IKC and/or cash contributions from any IODP³ member or non-member country/institution are potentially acceptable to fund offshore expeditions. IKCs may include essential scientific or operational services that the IODP³ would normally pay for, fully/partly funded drilling platforms, support vessels, hazard site survey (if required), permitting assistance, onshore facilities near drill sites (if required), ice management, and remote logistical assistance etc.
IODP³ will set up an overarching Scientific Drilling Forum as a venue for exchanging ideas, views and information between all international research programmes that employ scientific drilling to explore Earth and planetary processes.
Forward look 
The documents that will support both the MoU/Agreement between ECORD and JAMSTEC and the organization of the whole programme and its partnership have been finalized after a retreat of the IODP³ Planning Group in September 2023 and several virtual meetings until February 2024. These documents have been sent to the CNRS and JAMSTEC legal departments who will start soon to draft the MoU/Agreement between ECORD and JAMSTEC.
Based on the well-established operation of the ECORD and JAMSTEC infrastructures, their successful implementation, their competitiveness in the international research landscape and maximum return from investment, a bright future is promised to the international communities and ECORD and Japan in their intentions to play a prominent role in post-2024 scientific ocean drilling.
Gilbert Camoin, Director of the ECORD Managing Agency,
Nobu Eguchi, Director General, MarE3, JAMSTEC
on behalf of the IODP³ Planning Group:
Gilbert Camoin – EMA, Nobu Eguchi – MarE3,
France Lagroix – ECORD Council, Gen Totani – MEXT,
Mike Webb – ECORD Council, Shin’ichi Kuramoto – JAMSTEC,
Annalisa Iadanza – ECORD Council, Nobukazu Seama – CIB,
Nadine Hallmann – EMA, Harue Masuda – J-DESC,
Angelo Camerlenghi – ESSAC, Tomo Morishita – J-DESC,
Tony Morris – ESSAC, Sanny Saito – J-DESC,
Ursula Röhl – ESO-BCR, Yuki Morono – J-DESC,
Dave McInroy – ESO-BGS, Yusuke Kubo – JAMSTEC,
Gabriele Uenzelmann-Neben – EFB, Natsumi Okutsu – MarE3,
Guido Lüniger – ECORD Council, Fumio Inagaki – JAMSTEC,
Katsuyoshi Kawaguchi – JAMSTEC, Sasha Turchyn – EFB,
Hiroyuki Tojo – JAMSTEC, Masataka Kinoshita – J-DESC,
Minoru Ikehara – J-DESC

ECORD Headlines #23

The International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP3) will begin in January 2025 and will succeed the current International Ocean Discovery Program which ends in 2024. IODP3 will be led jointly by ECORD and Japan as Core Members and involve collaboration and partnership with other non-platform-providing ocean drilling research entities or consortia as Associate and Temporary Members.
On 18 September 2023, ESSAC and J-DESC have opened a call for expressions of interest from senior scientists based in IODP3 Core Member nations to lead and host the new IODP3 Science Office (IODP3-SO). An external committee has now thoroughly evaluated the applications received and recommended the appointment of Antony Morris (University of Plymouth, UK) and Nobu Eguchi (JAMSTEC/MarE3, Japan) as joint Directors of the Science Office for the five first years of IODP3 (2025-2029). It will be located in the University of Plymouth.
The IODP3-SO will:

Implement a programme-wide application portal for all aspects of IODP3 activities including calls for expedition participation, panel and board membership, training events, scholarships, and grants.
develop and maintain a database management system for community-led drilling proposals and their evaluation, together with an associated site survey data bank, accessible to Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) members and other IODP3
Provide logistical support for the SEP, the Mission-Specific Platform Facility Board (MSP-FB), and the Scientific Drilling Forum.
Gather and analyze data (statistics and metrics) aimed at monitoring and improving equality, diversity, and inclusion within IODP3, and propose measures to further facilitate an inclusive culture in scientific ocean drilling.
Design and maintain the IODP3 website that will act as the primary source of programmatic information for the international scientific ocean drilling research community.
Develop and implement an online, open-access publication system for IODP3 expedition-related reports, including associated editorial and reviewing processes, and maintain an expedition-based bibliographic database.

The IODP3-SO will start its activities in May 2024 to provide a start-up period for establishing IT systems, workflows, and protocols prior to the start of IODP3 on 1 January 2025. During this period, the IODP3-SO will also interact with the current IODP Science Support Office to ensure a smooth transition between the two programmes.
A review of the IODP3-SO will be conducted in the first quarter of 2029 by the IODP3 Executive Board to guide a decision to either re-compete or renew the contract for a second five-year period (1 January 2030 – 31 December 2034).
Gilbert Camoin, Director of the ECORD Managing Agency,
on behalf of the ECORD-Japan Evaluation Committee
Download the ECORD Headlines #23 HERE
