On behalf of the ECORD Council, the ECORD Managing Agency (EMA) manages the participation of ECORD’s members in IODP, represents the link between ECORD and the other IODP members, provides the central services for funds, and oversees the other ECORD entities.
EMA is administered by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS -, which funds and coordinates national and international programmes and large infrastructure projects in solid earth, ocean and atmospheric sciences.

Gilbert CAMOIN



Patricia RIEU
Tasks and Interactions within ECORD
Preparing the ECORD Memorandum of Understanding to be signed by the ECORD members;
- Pooling financial contributions provided by the ECORD members in support for IODP;
- Negotiating contracts with the ECORD entities and funded by ECORD;
- Reporting to the ECORD Council and providing an ECORD programme plan for approval and a budget for each upcoming fiscal year, consistent with the IODP prenegotiating an annual contract and transfers funds to the ECORD Science Operator (ESO) for carrying out the mission-specific platform expeditions (MSPs);
- Providing funds to support to the ECORD entities and programmes funded by ECORD;
- Implementing a funding model in which proponents of expeditions will be encouraged to seek co-funding from other sources;
- Supporting a pro-active role for technology development for seafloor drills, innovative coring, logging, and sub-seabed technology;
- Overseeing activities of other ECORD entities;
- Organizing ECORD meetings;
- Supporting the ECORD Outreach Task Force;
- Maintaining the ECORD archives in coordination with ESSAC;
- Seeking to extend ECORD to non-member countries;
- Working towards the establishement of a European infrastructure.
Tasks and Interactions within IODP
- Representing ECORD in all relevant IODP entities to convey the ECORD position and vision;
- Signing contracts and memoranda with NSF (USA) and MEXT (Japan) on implementation of IODP;
- Providing ECORD contribution to NSF and MEXT on an annual basis to cover operations of the US and Japanese drillships.
EMA is staffed with a Director, assisted by an Assistant Director, an Outreach Officer and a Secretary at the central office at CEREGE-CNRS.
More information about the mandate, tasks and membership of EMA can be found in the ECORD Memorandum of Understanding.
Past EMA members
- Patricia Maruéjol, CRPG-CNRS-Université de Lorraine – EMA Outreach Coordinator, 2003-2019
- Milena Borissova, CEREGE-CNRS – EMA Assistant Director 2012-2014
- Amine Benchick, IPG Paris – EMA Assistant Director 2010-2012
- Rosa Bernal Carrerra, IPG Paris – EMA Assistant Director 2006-2010
- Catherine Mével, IPG Paris – EMA Director 2003-2012
- Svetlana Zolotikova, IPG Paris – EMA Assistant Director 2003-2006