The ECORD Council is the funding entity, which coordinates a common ECORD approach to IODP policy with membership from 15 members14 from European countries (Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom) and Canada. Membership of ECORD Council is defined in terms of signatories to the ECORD Memorandum of Understanding: ECORD MoU 2019-2023.


The ECORD Council oversees and approves a shared approach to IODP policy with membership from European and associate Funding Organisations.


Tasks and Interactions

  • Implementing ECORD as an integrative part of IODP;
  • Structuring of ECORD – definition of the tasks and responsibilities of its entities;
  • Allocating budgets to the ECORD entities;
  • Approving the nominations of ECORD members serving on IODP panels of the Science Advisory Structure;
  • Approving nominations of the Chair of ESSAC and of the Chair and the members of the EFB;
  • Selecting and overseeing EMA and ESO;
  • Securing sufficient funding for IODP and MSPs;
  • Deciding on the MSP scheduling and budgets proposed by the EFB;
  • Assuring effective planning, management and operation of ECORD;
  • Deciding to conduct independant reviews of ECORD.

The ECORD Council is represented by the ECORD Council Chair and the EMA Director at the IODP Forum.


The ECORD Council is the assembly of all ECORD member countries represented with one Delegate (table below). The Chair and Vice-chair positions are held for a period of one year. The Council Core Group consists of the Chair, the Vice-chair and three additional Council Delegates, and is part of the ECORD Vision Task Force. The three major ECORD contributors (France, Germany and the United Kingdom) automatically belong to the Council Core Group.
The ECORD Council meets twice a year in spring and jointly with ESSAC in October/November (>> reports). EMA, ESO and ESSAC are represented by their respective Director and Chairs at each Council meeting.


More information about the mandate, tasks and membership of the Council can be found in the ECORD Memorandum of Understanding.


ECORD Council Delegates & Alternates


Delegate / Alternate

Funding Agency

Austria Bernhard Plunger ÖAW
Canada John JamiesonDominique Weis CCOD
Denmark Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz / Paul Knutz DCH and DTU
Finland Hanna Katriina Pikkarainen AF
France (core group) France Lagroix / Stéphane Guillot CNRS
Germany (core group) Guido Lüniger / Iris Sonntag DFG
Ireland Koen Verbruggen / Xavier Monteys GSI
Italy (Vice-Chair) Annalisa Iadanza / Marco Sacchi CNR
Netherlands Niels van den Berg / Martijn Klaver NWO
Norway Markus Engelhardt / Heidi Roggen NFR

Vitor Magalhães / Ana Amorim

Spain Carlota Escutia / María Angeles Bárcena Pernia CSIC/UGR
Sweden (core group) Tomas Andersson VR
Switzerland Martina Kern-Luetschg SNF
United Kingdom (Chair) Michael Webb / Jessica Surma UKRI