The ECORD-JAMSTEC Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed on 17 February 2014, in Tokyo. ECORD becomes a Regular Member of the Chikyu programme under IODP by providing an annual contribution as Chikyu Membership from 1st October 2013 until 30 September 2023.
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from left to right: Dr Watayu Azuma (Director General CDEX/JAMSTEC), Dr Asahiko Taira (President JAMSTEC) and Dr Gilbert Camoin (EMA DIrector).
IODP Memorandum of Understanding: on 16 March 2004, ECORD has officially become part of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) as a Contributing Member and join the U.S.A. and Japan. The signing ceremony has been hosted by the RCOM (Research Center Oceans Margins) at Bremen University before the joint ICDP-IODP Euroforum 2004.
– Introduction by Catherine Mével, Director of the ECORD Managing Agency,
– Welcome by Gerold Wefer, Director of MARUM, Bremen University,
– Presentation of ECORD by Raymond Schorno (NWO), ECORD Council Chair,
– Signature of the MoU by Sylvie Joussaume (centre), Director of INSU-CNRS on behalf of ECORD. The signed documents were handed to Mrs M. Leinen (left), NSF representative (USA) and to Mr Tanaka (right), MEXT representative, Japan.
On 15 December 2003 in Paris, France, the signing event of the ECORD Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has celebrated the official start of the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD). The ECORD MoU established ECORD as the Consortium of 12 European countries, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland and The United Kingdom, involved in participating in IODP.
>> press release.
Later, in March 2004, Spain joined the Consortium, Canada and Austria joined ECORD in October 2004. Then on April 2005, Belgium and Ireland joined ECORD and IODP
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