Expedition 389: Hawaiian Drowned Reefs
Expedition blog by ESO onboard MMA Valour (https://expedition389.wordpress.com/)
Expedition 386 Japan Trench Paleoseismology
Expedition blog created by ESO onboard Kaimei and during the Onshore Science Party onboard Chikyu
Expedition 381 Corinth Active Rift Development
Expedition blog created by ESO onboard Fugro Synergy and during the Onshore Science Party
Expedition 364 Chicxulub K-Pg Impact Crater
Expedition blog created by ESO onboard L/B Myrtle and during the Onshore Science Party
Expedition 357 Atlantis Massif Serpentinization and Life
No blog was created – see ship reports onboard the RRS James Cook
Expedition 347 Baltic Sea Paleoenvironment
Expedition-Baltic-Sea by Caroline Slomp
Itämeren syväkairaushanke (IODP Itämeri) by Aarno Kotilainen and Outi Hyttinen (in Finnish)
Expedition logbook created by ESO onboard the Greatship Manisha