Werner E. Piller
4th ECORD Award
5 October 2019
Werner E. Piller was awarded with the 4th ECORD Award at the occasion of Festive Colloquium.
“I was convinced that Ocean Drilling is an eminent part of Natural Sciences and to get involved I attended the APLACON Conference 2001 in Lisbon when the reorganization and internationalization of ODP into the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) was discussed. For the draft paper of this conference I was a member of the writing team on shallow water carbonates.
I worked hard to get Austria involved in ocean drilling and in 2004 I succeeded when Austria became a member of ECORD.
From 2004 to 2019 I acted continuously as Austrian ESSAC Delegate.
From 2015 to 2019 I was an ECORD representative in the IODP Science Evaluation Panel (SEP) and was selected as ESSAC liaison within SEP and reported to ESSAC and ECORD. I was involved in establishing the ESF Magellan Research Networking Programme (2006 – 2010) and became a member of the steering committee of the ECORD Magellan Plus Workshop Series Programme since 2013.
For the upcoming period I think that ECORD will play an even more important role in scientific ocean drilling and hope that it can expand its Mission Specific Platform projects.”