Gerold Wefer
2nd ECORD Award
12 March 2019,
Bremen, Germany
Gerold Wefer received the 2nd ECORD Award at the occasion of the Symposium 25 years of the IODP Bremen Core Repository.
“Ocean drilling played an important role in my scientific career. I sailed as a sedimentologist on Leg 112 (Peru) and was a co-chief scientist on Leg 175 (Namibia). In the 90ies I was a member of the Ocean History Panel of ODP and between 2006-2010 member of the Science Advisory Structure Executive Committee (SASEX) of IODP-MI. About 25 years ago, I proposed to host a repository in Bremen for cores drilled in the Atlantic Ocean. Today we are storing about 150 km of deep-sea cores and provide this scientific treasure for investigations of the international community. ECORD for me is tremendous important and instrumental in strengthening geoscientific cooperation in Europe, an excellent example how Europe should work together.”