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Unraveling Earth's history beneath the ocean floor

IODP_logo-miniThe European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling

unites 15 countries and provides mission-specific platforms for IODP expeditions




Young scientists

Drilled sites

Recent MSP expedition:

IODP³-NSF  Expedition 501

New England Shelf Hydrogeology


Offshore Phase:
Summer 2025

Exploring offshore groundwater systems – drilling into an “unconventional water resource”

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Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything

A new global programme has launched, calling for international collaboration to synchronise climate records

The International Ocean Drilling Programme (IODP³) is ready to be launched

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IODP Expeditions currently at sea

Apply to sail on IODP Expedition

Follow ECORD

Gilbert Camoin
Gilbert Camoin

EMA Director

Sasha Turchyn
Sasha Turchyn

EFB Chair
University of Cambridge, UK

Mike Webb
Mike Webb

ECORD Council Chair
NERC UKRI – Swindon, UK

Angelo Camerlenghi
Angelo Camerlenghi

OSG Trieste, Italy

David McInroy
David McInroy

ESO Science Manager
BGS Edinburgh, UK

ECORD Council - ESSAC Meeting #13












Core replica

Loan a core replica

ECORD Annual Report 2021

Latest ECORD Awards

12th ECORD Award: Catherine Mével

12th ECORD Award: Catherine Mével

Catherine Mével 12th ECORD Award 25 April 2023 Catherine Mével was awarded with the 12th ECORD Award on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of ECORD, and ECORD-ICDP Townhall meeting. Catherine was ECORD Manager from 2003 till 2011. [ddownload id="17152" text="Read...

11th ECORD Award: John Ludden

11th ECORD Award: John Ludden

John Ludden 11th ECORD Award 25 April 2023 John Ludden was awarded with the 11th ECORD Award on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of ECORD, and ECORD-ICDP Townhall meeting. "Initially involved in ODP and sailed as Co-chief scientist on Legs 123 and 185 and served...